Waffen SS Fest, Riga, 16 March 2013
World Media as of 16 March 2013
AP; Delfi; Fox; Reuters; RIA; RT (video); ToI; Wash. Post; YNet
Eye witness report by Juris Kaza
http://defendinghistory.com/riga-march-16-2013-annual-glorification-of-latvian-waffen-ss51949/51949#more-51949 photo reportage of 2013 march
http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/04/04/on-the-eve-of-yom-hashoah-great-britain-sinks-into-littleness-on-the-holocaust/ Algemeiner 4.4.2013 by Monica Lowenberg
http://defendinghistory.com/ camerons-latvian-liaison-one- womans-petition-and-one-ss- march-by-monica-lowenberg/ 51105 by Monica Lowenberg
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-brodsky/riga-and-the-waffen-ss-fa_b_3046374.html Richard Brodsky
http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.aspx?id=309270 Efraim Zuroff
http://standpointmag.co.uk/books-june-13-spurning-old-truths-michael-pinto-duschinsky-taste-of-ashes-marci-shore by Dr Michael Pinto Duschinsky
http://www.timesofisrael.com/http://defendinghistory.com/riga-march-16-2013-annual-glorification-of-latvian-waffen-ss51949/51949#more-51949 photo reportage of 2013 march
http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/04/04/on-the-eve-of-yom-hashoah-great-britain-sinks-into-littleness-on-the-holocaust/ Algemeiner 4.4.2013 by Monica Lowenberg
Hope not hate Friday, 5 April 2013, 21:22 A Hope not hate Special by Monica Lowenberg Not every day that one sees William Hague courting photo shoots with Hollywood “A lister” Angelina Jolie, who is also a rightly noted and...Read more... Foreign Office Also Posts Her Essay
Minister for Europe Enters the Fray; Of Churchill’s Party, He Seems to Forget Great Britain’s Heroism in Bringing Down Hitler and — Scourge (and Historic Result) of Nazi-Worship in the Baltics
http://defendinghistory.com/ wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ Monica-Lowenberg-in-London- Jews-News-2-May-2013.pdf You can't praise Hitler's troops and champion human rights, Mr Hague and Mr Lidington. Opinion piece by Monica Lowenberg Jewish News 02.05.2013
http://www.totallyjewish.com/the_jewish_news/view/c-19705/jewish-news-jn-793-020513/?no_login=1 p15 on online version, p11 in print
http://www.politics.co.uk/comment-analysis/2013/06/13/comment-why-won-t-britain-stand-up-to-fascism-in-the-baltics by Keith Morgan Politics.co.uk 13 June 2013
Minister for Europe Enters the Fray; Of Churchill’s Party, He Seems to Forget Great Britain’s Heroism in Bringing Down Hitler and — Scourge (and Historic Result) of Nazi-Worship in the Baltics
http://www.totallyjewish.com/the_jewish_news/view/c-19705/jewish-news-jn-793-020513/?no_login=1 p15 on online version, p11 in print
http://www.politics.co.uk/comment-analysis/2013/06/13/comment-why-won-t-britain-stand-up-to-fascism-in-the-baltics by Keith Morgan Politics.co.uk 13 June 2013
An interview with Efraim Zuroff by noted Israeli campaigner against anti-Semitism Manfred Gerstenfeld on the situation in the Baltic countries....
http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/85902/the-little-european-problem-conservatives-would-prefer-forget Martin Bright
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-brodsky/riga-and-the-waffen-ss-fa_b_3046374.html Richard Brodsky
http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.aspx?id=309270 Efraim Zuroff
http://standpointmag.co.uk/books-june-13-spurning-old-truths-michael-pinto-duschinsky-taste-of-ashes-marci-shore by Dr Michael Pinto Duschinsky
http://french.ruvr.ru/2013_03_ 16/La-marche-des-legionnaires- a-Riga-a-failli-degenerer-a- une-bagarre/
http://www.stopnazism.net/ about/mass-media%20list.pdf
How not to fight anti-Semitism By Robert Wistrich
These two important articles by Efraim Zuroff that critique Israeli foreign policy with respect to antisemitism and Holocaust history here in Eastern Europe should be read in tandem: In the Jerusalem Post and in the Times of Israel respectively:
1500 HONOR THE WAFFEN SS AT RIGA’S LIBERTY MONUMENT (Latvia, eyewitness report/opinion)
Event is Praised by Latvia’s President, Condemned by the European Commission by Dovid Katz
You Tube Clips:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIGgFkz5QGo Disgust and aversion as veterans of Nazi army march through EU capital with three year olds.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=T_LhLiJcoC4 Hundreds commemorate Waffen SS divisions in Latvia, anti-fascists outraged. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=9V-IMJ2t-J4 Latvia: Violence erupts at veteran Nazi commemoration march. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am6dTwGaKFs Waffen SS veterans commemorate Latvia's checkered past
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGXpk9DF0q4 Photograph of one of the most decorated Latvian Waffen-SS officers, Roberts Ancāns, is placed at the base of the Freedom Monument. See 0.33
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=WPFERljhSXw Laying of the wreath to the victims of Nazism by an international delegation of politicians that included: Hon Tatiana Zhdanoka MEP, Latvia, Hon. Gert Weisskirchen MP (1976-2009), OSCE Commissioner on anti-Semitism (2005-2008), Germany, Hon. Nikolais Kabanovs MP, Latvia, Joel Rubinfeld Co-President of the European Jewish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, Hon.Giulietto Chiesa MEP 2004-2010, Italy, Hon. Marina Solodkina Member of Knesset, Israel 1996-2013, Hon. Inna Supac , MP, Moldova
- See 6.45 for some comments from politicians
- Short video about the crimes of the Nazis and collaborators in Latvia in 1942-44. Sub titles in English.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mnFIA148g4 Wreath to the victims of Nazism is unashamedly and once more desecrated by Latvian youth
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG8YCq89YpU&feature=youtu.be Video done by Joel Rubinfeld co-president of the Jewish Parliament in Brussels, March 2013
http://www.rumbula.org/remembering_rumbula.shtml on Rumbula
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/p00c74k5 BBC World Service, Wendy Robbins reports on Holocaust Obfuscation and Anti-Semitism in the Baltics including interviews with John Mann MP
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Shop Memorial Council, February 1982.
Frida Michelson, as only one of two to survive, felt G-d chose her as a witness. Frida Michelson’s riveting story details the horrors she experienced and describes her survival of the actions at Rumbula. It goes on to tell of her survival of years of Nazi occupation with the aid of a series of righteous Latvians, a number of whom were Seventh Day Adventists.
The Holocaust in Latvia, 1941-1944: The Missing Center
by Andrew Ezergailis
Historical Institute of Latvia in association with the USHMM
465 pp.
The Murder of the Jews in Latvia, 1941-1945
by Bernhard Press, Laimdota Mazzarins (Translator)
Northwestern University Press
222 pp.
The SS-Einsatzgruppen and The Invention of the Holocaust
by Richard Rhodes
335 pp.
New York Times Review of Masters of Death, Reviews by Walter Reich and Deborah E. Lipstadt
Rumbula Viewed From The Riga Ghetto - Book Excerpt
The Ghetto of Riga and Continuance - A Survivor's Memoir
By Alfred Winter, copyright 1998
http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=NOvWYblJMSUC&pg=PA202&lpg=PA202&dq=riga+ghetto.+alfred+winter&source=bl&ots=XP30VZkJJU&sig=R80yK9cnVvgtWox0XvYhdvaOdbI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=poxhUfwHqprUBf-3gKgG&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=riga%20ghetto.%20alfred%20winter&f=false On line book re Riga ghetto by Bernhard Press
Hitler's Foreign Executioners Europe's Dirty Secret By Christopher Hale. The History Press, Gloucestershire, UK ,2011
Latvia's Haunting Secrets By Ethel S. Davis Sydney Jewish Museum , Australia, 2013 ISBN: 9780987193582
Two recent documentaries about
the Riga Ghetto, one of them on Latvian TV, the other one just released in May
2013 in Munster in German
" After all we survived- The Riga Ghetto."
98 Min. DVD
Jürgen Hobrecht
Polis Film
All rights
reserved Berlin 2013
Details and outtakes
(English version coming soon)
Zwischen November 1941 und Oktober 1942 werden rund 22.000 Juden aus dem Deutschen Reich nach Riga verschleppt. Unmittelbar vor der Ankunft der deutschen, tschechischen und österreichischen Juden in Riga werden an nur zwei Tagen 27.000 lettischen Juden und Jüdinnen ermordet, um Platz für die Neuankömmlinge aus dem Reich zu schaffen. Auch Tausende Deportierte aus dem Deutschen Reich werden direkt nach der Ankunft erschossen. Diejenigen, die das Ghetto lebend erreichten, erleiden jahrelange Qualen.Von 24.605 in den Jahren 1941 bis 1942 nach Riga deportierten Juden aus dem „Großdeutschen Reich“ überleben nur 1.073.
Zeitzeugen berichten in dem Film von dem Massaker an den lettischen Juden, dem Leben im Ghetto und dem Überleben mit dem Trauma.
Interessenten an Filmvorführungen in Schulen, Gedenkstätten, Museen etc. sind herzlich willkommen. Die DVD kann für 12,00 + 3,00 Versand bei info@phoenix-medienakademie.com bezogen werden.
Between November 1941 and October 1942, 24.606 Jews from the "Deutsche Reich" (Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia) were deported to Riga. 4.500 were shot on arrival. The remaining Jews were sent to the Reichsjudenghetto and Jungfernhof and forced to live in an area where about 13,000 people had lived previously. However, before the "Reichsjuden" had been deported to Riga, to make room for the new arrivals, some 25,000 Latvian Jews out of 30,000, who had been placed into the Riga ghetto from August 1941 onwards were, over only two days, shot by the Nazis and willing Latvian collaborators. The brutal murder of Latvian Jews was one of the second-worst atrocities in the first stage of the Holocaust and yet, until now, this terrible chapter has rarely been spoken or written about.
Those who survived the ghetto suffered for years after. Out of the 24.606 ReichsJuden who were deported to Riga between 1941-1942, only 1,073 survived .
In Hobrecht’s new film, German and Latvian survivors speak out for the first time about the massacre against the Latvian Jews, the living conditions in the ghetto and how they survived the trauma.
Media List for March 16th 2012:
You can add your voice to this petition here: http://www.petitions24.com/ stop_the_16_march_marches_and_ latvians_revising_history
Recent talks in Berlin and Riga regarding the Latvian SS, the Red Brown Commission and Prague Declaration
Conference on East European Holocaust memorials in Riga, 27-28 May 2013
Video of Dovid Katz's recent talk at conference in Riga, Latvia:
„Rot“=„Braun“: Die Gleichsetzung des Dritten Reiches mit der Sowjetherrschaft ist ein dominanter Zug in der Geschichtspolitik zahlreicher osteuropäischer Staaten. Milizen, die gemeinsam mit
Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS gegen die Sowjetunion gekämpft hatten, wird teilweise der Status als „Freiheitskämpfer“ zugesprochen. Wer dagegen protestiert, wird schnell als "moskowitischer Agent" abgetan.
Ziel der Veranstaltungsreihe ist es, diese Vorgänge und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Holocaust-Forschung öffentlich zu machen und jenen AktivistInnen in Osteuropa, die Gleichsetzung und
Holocaust-Relativierung ablehnen, eine Stimme zu geben.
- Mittwoch, 10. 4., 19 Uhr, Helle Panke, Kopenhagener Straße 9: Geschichtsbilder und Geschichtslücken in Osteuropa. Streifzug durch die"antitotalitären" Museen im Baltikum, Ungarn und der Ukraine.
- Donnerstag, 18. 4., 19 Uhr, Haus der Demokratie, Greifswalder Straße 4: Geschichtsverzerrung im Baltikum. Über Aufmärsche zu Ehren der Waffen-SS, Rehabilitierung faschistischer Kollaborateure und antifaschistische Proteste.
- Dienstag, 14. 5., 19 Uhr, Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Stauffenbergstraße 13-14, Raum A, 2. Etage: Ukraine: Krieg der Erinnerungen. Über die "Konkurrenz" von Opfern, Verbrechen und die Rolle ukrainischer Nationalisten.
Past and forthcoming Screen Viewings of 'Rewriting History'
http://rewriting-history.org/REVIEW OF THE DOCUMENTARY
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/television/lithuanias-lies-and-deception-exposed/story-fncnqfdm-1226473912101 Lithuania's lies and deception exposed
1. Friends in London: Details of the July 10th screening of "Rewriting History" at Borehamwood & Elstree United Synagogue ---
2. Due to popular demand, this screening was moved to a larger theatre at AJU. This special screening of "REWRITING HISTORY", an important and provocative new documentary, is followed by a discussion with filmmaker Dr. Danny Ben-Moshe and Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the American Jewish University.WHERE: American Jewish University (AJU)15600 Mulholland Drive, Bel Air, CA 90077WHEN: Sunday, April 28th at 4:00 P (310) 440-1279 RSVP
Rewriting History: New Documentary Film on the Shocking New Holocaust Revisionism in Eastern Europe
Film’s website ◊ Sign the Seventy Years Declaration ◊ Donate to Defending History
A snapshot of events connected with Waffen SS
march, March 16, 2013 Riga
· Ambassador
Stiprais, Latvian ambassador to UK brazenly defended march for second year
running. See his letter to conservative
MP David Amess who voiced concerns http://defendinghistory. com/latvian-ambassador-to-the- uk-comments-on-march-16th- waffen-ss-march-in-riga/50988
· This year the high court demanded that the march must take place and that the
mayor of Riga apologise for all the years he had banned the march
· Dr.
Marina Solodkin, 60, a Moscow native and former member of the Israeli Knesset,
died in her hotel room, of an apparent heart attack or stroke, in Riga, the
capital of Latvia, on March 16th after witnessing the desecration of the wreath to the victims of Nazism and the SS veterans being glorified. She had come to join activities to protest at
this year’s Waffen SS march earlier that day.
See also reports in Arutz Sheva, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, Jewish Press, JTA, The Times of Israel, YNet; a brief biography appears on the Israeli Foreign Ministry's website.
According to the media reports at least three Latvian
MPs took active part in the event and - as the Latvian Minister of Interior was
quoted in media - even attacked the protesters who loudly played anti-fascist
songs. These MPs are:
and Imants
Parādnieks (http://titania.saeima.lv/personal/deputati/saeima11_depweb_public.nsf/depArchive.html?ReadForm&unid=ECC837F445C5A0F1C22579100046C60A&url=./0/ECC837F445C5A0F1C22579100046C60A?OpenDocument&lang=EN
Leader of anti-fascist group was beaten up
Hundreds commemorate Waffen SS divisions in Latvia, anti -fascists
This year children as young as three attended the
march with Waffen SS veterans . See: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=tRGAgby83OQ
Journalist Egle Samoskaite on Delfi.lt, writing for
her readers from a Lithuanian perspective, saw in Riga both Cekutis AND Panka. http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/lithuania/latviu-ss-legiono-veteranu-eitynese-zygiavo-jpanka-bei-rcekutis-apaleckis-protestavo.d?id=60919365
In other words, at least
TWO masterminds (Panka and Cekutis) of the fascist marches in Lithuania (WITH
swastikas, White Power signs, Sieg Heils etc see http://defendinghistory.com/3000-participate-in-unauathorized-neo-nazi-march-in-central-vilnius-on-2013-independence-day/50796
were in RIGA to pay THEIR homage to the
Waffen SS
The wreaths for the victims of Nazism
laid by the Antifascist Committee were, again, defaced rather than simply moved
aside to make room for the flowers from the veterans and their supporters- a plethora
of anti-Semitic comments could be heard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mnFIA148g4
Photograph of one of the most
decorated Latvian Waffen-SS officers, Roberts Ancāns, is
placed at the base of the Freedom Monument. see 0.35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGXpk9DF0q4
See Eye witness report by Juris Kaza
As violence erupted at veteran Nazi commemoration march Joel
Rubinfeld co president of the Jewish
parliament in Brussels said to press, ‘It is shameful that the Waffen SS march
through the centre of an EU city’ See https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9V-IMJ2t-J4
Journalist Brodsky explains why we should
be vigilant and shows a pack of playing cards (see 3.20 on you tube clip below) glorifying Waffen SS soldiers, a
pack he picked up only that day in a shop in Riga
British Foreign Office on
Latvia’s National Waffen SS Fest:
Monica Lowenberg Responds in Algemeiner.com & Hope Not Hate; With Classic British Tolerance, Foreign Office Also Posts Her
Essay; In the London Jewish News
But the Council of Europe Takes a Rather Different
View (§ 87):
Cameron’s Latvian Liaison, One Woman’s Petition and One SS March
by Monica Lowenberg
If you walked through a busy EU city today and came across Eichmann Allee, Hitler Strasse or even Goebbels Gasse you would initially think that someone was pulling your leg or you would start to raise, and rightly so, serious questions regarding the ruling government that would allow such blatant glorification of mass murderers to take place. You can therefore imagine how I felt, the daughter of a German Jewish refugee whose paternal Latvian Jewish family had all been brutally murdered in the Libau massacres of 1941 and Riga ghetto, to discover in 2011, that each and every 16 March, since 1998, SS veterans are glorified in the capital city of Riga in Latvia an EU and NATO country since 2004.
My name is Monica Lowenberg; I was born on a cold winter’s day in 1964, in ear shot of Bow Bells.
On January 20, 2012, I set up a petition to stop the 16th March marches in Riga, ninety years to the day from the date of birth of my uncle Paul Theodor Loewenberg who at age 19 was sent to the Riga Ghetto on 4 October 1941. The petition is as much an act of commemoration of the victims of Nazism as it is a tribute to the European parliamentarians, including a number from Latvia, who wisely and courageously signed on the 20 January last year 2012, the Seventy Years Declaration, commemorating Wannsee, a declaration which specifically rejects glorification of Latvia’s Waffen SS, along with Estonia’s Waffen SS and the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) in Lithuania.
In little over a month the petition gained from around the world over 5,800 votes, one year on it stands at just under 7,000 votes and the two early day motions by Dr. Barry Gardiner and Bob Blackman generated between them 34 supporters, 50% of them Labour, 5 conservatives, 5 liberal democrats and the rest other parties indicating that I am not alone in believing that such glorification is terribly wrong. One should also add that the ECRI, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance had already in 2008 explicitly stated,
“All attempts to commemorate persons who fought in the Waffen SS and collaborate with the Nazis should be condemned. Any gathering or march legitimizing in any way Nazism should be banned.”
The ECRI reiterated the same in their most recent report about Latvia released on the 21 February 2012. However, despite such support the March of the SS went on nevertheless, and so I flew to Riga last March 16 to protest.On March 16th, 2012 in the heart of NATO, in an EU country, in Riga, more than 2,500 people, (75% of them under the age of 30), gathered to pay tribute to Latvians who fought on the side of Nazi Germany in Waffen SS detachments during World War II. Amongst them a large number of neo-Nazi activists from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Norway and Denmark and Latvian officials and MEPs. Over the years the marches have been attended by the Latvian Chief-of-Staff, Secretary of Defense, members of the nation’s parliament and current and former ministers and officials. They herald the Latvian SS veterans as war heroes and freedom fighters as they claim they fought in German ranks to hold back a greater evil, the Soviet Union.
Each and every year these events have and are receiving tacit (and sometimes very explicit and public) support from state authorities (last year from the president himself) and are being attended in increasing numbers by deputies of the Latvian Parliament, members of the Riga City Council and officials of the Ministry of Defense. For example, the Latvian European MP Robert Zile who sits together with our British Conservatives in the European Parliament also supports the marches. Mr. Zile may have left the National Alliance, a party that is a result of two merging parties that both openly glorify Latvian SS veterans, “Fatherland and Freedom party” and “All for Latvia.” However, Mr. Zile is still connected with the “Fatherland and Freedom party” LNNK, a party that actively supports the marches.[1] It should also be noted that the party that Mr. Zile is connected to LNNK is the very same party that told the Latvian parliament that it has always been against the trial of Konrads Kalejs and other Latvians accused of Nazi crimes. Kalejs was a close assistant of Viktors Arajs, chief of the bloody Arajs Commando. He was an officer in one of the most notorious murder squads which assisted the Nazis in implementing the Final Solution and which actively participated in the mass murder of tens of thousands of Jews, primarily in Latvia but also in Belarus. (Kalejs was not sent to Belarus, but was involved in reprisals against civilians suspected of assisting Soviet anti-Nazi partisans.)
Aside from state and church officials supporting the marches, last year Archbishop Jānis Vanags officiated the proceedings and in a curiously detailed letter to myself the Latvian ambassador in London expressed his support for the events,
“In accordance with Latvia’s laws and regulations 16 March is not an official day of commemoration, however some former soldiers choose to pay their respects to their fallen comrades. Church services are held and people gather in cemeteries and lay flowers at the Monument of Freedom in Riga. I hope you will agree that church services and commemoration in cemeteries cannot be regarded as revision of history or glorification of Waffen SS. Even if some people regard Latvian legionnaires as war heroes, it is my sincere belief they do so because they fought, unfortunately in German, not Latvian uniforms against the Soviet Union.”
And once again he fervently supported the marches in his response of 1st March 2013 to David Amess Conservative MP, one of the five brave conservative MPs who signed the EDM against the marches, and who voiced serious concerns.
“If some former soldiers choose to pay their respects to their fallen comrades, they are entitled to do so… Let me reiterate, that Latvia has always condemned the crimes committed during World War II — the crimes of Nazism and Stalinism. Latvia is committed to the values of democratic and open society and we will endeavor to facilitate true consolidation of the people and countries who suffered under totalitarian regimes during World War II.”
Ambassador Stiprais fails to give the true picture, the marches are not only attended by a few soldiers but also as mentioned various politicians, thousands of misguided youth and various ultra-nationalist groups and factions that are Neo-Nazi in kind, originating from Latvia and neighboring European countries. For example, only last year on Latvian television Igor Shishkin, chair of the Gustavs Celmins society, claimed that according to the Geneva Convention, people who feel in danger have a right to armed resistance. As a consequence, he attended the 16 March march 2012 in Riga armed with a baton and invited skinheads and ultra-rights from Italy, Ukraine and Germany to join him. The harangue and calls made by such groups openly supports and promotes the “heroism” of SS veterans. However, more disturbing is that hundreds and thousands of youngsters and teenagers were and are asked to participate and march under Latvian state symbols and flags with officials and public state and church figures. Polite looking youth, looking up in absolute awe at the Waffen SS octogenarians, youth dressed in Armani and Hugo Boss. One would be excused for believing that times had not changed.The Latvian legion of the Waffen SS was set up in the winter of 1943, only seventy years ago, under Hitler’s orders, and formally established on March 16th 1944. There is consensus amongst all Latvian historians that the day marks the only time that the two Divisions of the Legion (15th and 19th) fought together against the Red Army. Therefore, by making the 16th March a day to remember war dead, Latvians, (despite Latvian official protestations to the contrary), are making the day when Latvian volunteers fought in the 15th and 19th divisions of the SS an act of commemoration. As Israeli/Jewish critics have commented even if one takes the stance that the Latvian legionnaires were not criminals and that they were forced to fight for the Nazis, to honor the Legion is far from being a positive act and a far cry from a policy to publicly GLORIFY them. Glorification of pro-Nazi armed forces during World War II has no place in a European Union / NATO / OSCE country.
At the Monument of Freedom in the center of Riga where the SS lovers congregated last year, a contradiction in terms if ever there was one, I was jostled, harassed and made to feel unwelcome. I was told by a number of young Waffen SS supporters that even though my grandfather was born in Libau (Libava), Latvia and all of my Latvian Jewish family had lived for generations in Libau, until they were brutally murdered in the Libau massacres of 1941 and Riga Ghetto of the same year, I had no rights to be in Latvia as I was Jewish. The desire to equate Nazi crimes with Soviet became crucially apparent, when I was informed that I needed to be made aware that Latvians had suffered terribly under Stalin, Communism created by Jews was far worse than Nazism, how dare I tell them otherwise. One would be excused for believing that times have not moved on since 1941. And when Stiprais the Latvian ambassador in London publicly, without any shame, stated to a conservative MP David Amess in March 2013 that Latvia is committed to “facilitate true consolidation of the people and countries who suffered under totalitarian regimes during World War II” what he is really saying is “Hey, get Latvia off the hook, we were victims of Nazism and Stalinism, both were as bad as each other and we intend to change the history books to meet our ends.”
Yet, history shows that even though millions of people suffered under both regimes, they cannot be compared and nobody should be allowed to purposely muddy the historical record. If I look at just my own family, in total 35 members of my father’s family were brutally murdered in the Holocaust, 13 close members. However, only last September, I discovered that at the age of 66, my grandfather David Lowenberg/Levenbergs, an engineer in Berlin, unable to escape Nazi Germany left for Moscow in 1941 where he was falsely accused of being a spy, placed into the infamous Hotel Lux and sent to Siberia for five years. At 67, alone, he died in a freezing gulag somewhere in Novosibirsk. In 1989 his file was reviewed by a Moscow based Military Prosecutors office and his name rehabilitated. Yes, my family knows about the crimes of Stalin and the crimes of Hitler and we adulate neither of them or equate them as equal, no matter how terrible our loss has been, Ambassador Stiprais.
When fellow protester Joel Rubinfeld, co-president of the European Jewish Parliament in Brussels told the Latvian police and armed guards to ask the youngsters to stop desecrating the wreath we had placed down to the victims of Nazism, something we had been given legal permission to do by the mayor of Riga, he was ignored. When Rubinfeld gave during a TV interview a box of Belgian chocolates to a Latvian politician and asked him why the Latvians wouldn’t like to be famous for something pleasant that all can enjoy such as chocolates; something that has made Belgium world famous, rather than the Waffen SS, his chocolates were returned to him. You may laugh but in Latvia, contrary to what Latvian apologists may claim, the glorification of the Waffen SS is serious business. For let us not forget when questioned whether he thought the Latvian SS were criminals, Andris Berzins, Latvia’s President, stated to international uproar last year that it was ridiculous to see them as criminals but rather we should “bow our heads to them”!
One would be excused for believing that times have not changed since 1941. And the most popular selling calendar in Latvia last year was one that honored the bravery of the Latvian SS and in the capital Riga there may not be, as in Latvia’s neighbor Lithuania street names honoring mass murderers such as Juozas Ambrazevičius Brazaitis, the Nazi puppet prime minister of 1941 who signed papers confirming orders placing thousands of Jews into a ghetto (only last year this very same man was honored a full state-sponsored re-burial with honors which this year fascist youth groups emulated by having a picture of the very same man at the front of their march on February 16) or Škirpa (responsible for co-founding the Lithuanian Activist Front, which held deeply antisemitic and anti-Polish views and participated in the onset of the Holocaust in Lithuania) or Noreika, (who already in 1984 Der Spiegel had named responsible for the mass murder of the Jews of Plunge). However, in Latvia’s main military cemetery, the Brothers cemetery in Riga, a national Latvian monument in Bralu Kapi, located in the north eastern part of Riga, only five kilometers from the city center Voldemārs Veis is buried. Voldemars Veis (November 7, 1899 – April 17, 1944) was a lieutenant Colonel in the Latvian army and a prominent Nazi collaborator and chief of the auxiliary police. When Latvia fell to the Germans on July 1st 1941, he broadcasted a radio call for volunteers to enlist and rid Latvia of “traitors” that included Soviet functionaries, Communists and Jews. Many enlisted, and the “cleansing” began. Veis received from the Nazis an iron cross first class and was the first Latvian to receive the Knights cross; today he lies in a prime honored spot with a fresh red rose to boot. In 1995 the President of Latvia at the time Guntis Ulmanis presented Adolfs Shilde books to Latvian schools. Adolfs Shilde was one of the founders of the Perkonkrusts (the leader was Gustavs Celmins a man who is honored in the Museum of Occupation in Riga, a museum that curiously only devotes one small corner of its museum to the Latvian Jewish community and its extermination). An interesting fact that Latvian apologists like to overlook is that The Perkonkrusts already in 1930, eleven years before the Germans invaded expressed the desire to eliminate all Jews. Today Shilde’s books can be found in any serious public library in Latvia. Shilde, a great antisemite and Nazi collaborator called for the absolute annihilation of Jews. In 1942 in his annual review of events in Zemgalle, he stated,
“If we assess the most outstanding events of the past year, we cannot remain silent about the great joy we feel about the solution of the Jewish question in our country.”
By the close of 1942 the likes of Shilde and Veis had with the Germans successfully managed to murder, using the sardine method, close to 70,000 of Latvia’s Jews and by the level of support and almost idolatrous importance the Latvian SS veterans received from young Latvians in 2012, the reading of their books has indoctrinated them well. For despite condemnation from the international community and reports from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance that in 2008 explicitly stated and once again reiterated in February 2012:
“All attempts to commemorate persons who fought in the Waffen SS and collaborate with the Nazis should be condemned. Any gathering or march legitimizing in any way Nazism should be banned.”
The glorification of the Latvian SS took place on its usual date with alarming regularity, 16 March in 2012. Two months earlier, in January 2012 , many Latvian policymakers, had expressed their respect and admiration of former SS veterans. The political party “Visu Latviyyay!” announced that it was preparing a bill declaring the veterans of the SS Legion as national liberation movement fighters. Under the bill, former SS soldiers in Latvia would enjoy many benefits and advantages, in contrast to the veterans of the Allied forces who fought against Nazism. Yes, one could be excused for believing that times have not changed.During World War II, the Nazis created 37 divisions of Waffen Schutzstaffel (Waffen SS) of which only 12 were comprised exclusively by Germans. Most of the members of the divisions were recruited among the so-called “Aryan” populations of the occupied or annexed countries. Although the Latvians were not all considered “Aryan,” they were massively recruited. Out of 900,000 Waffen SS, almost 150,000 were Latvians thus being the largest foreign contingent while their country, Latvia, only had two million inhabitants. The Latvians were mainly placed in the 15th Infantry Division, which became the most decorated non-German Waffen SS unit receiving 13 Knight Crosses amongst them. Those Latvians of whom there were around 130,000 chose to fight for the Red army were described by Professor Vaira Vike-Freiberga sixth president of Latvia from 1999 to 2007 as “traitors.”
Many Latvians and Latvian apologists including tragically senior and eminent Conservatives such as Callanan, Hague, Hannan and Pickles have stated with almost religious fervor that the Latvian SS veterans “were only following orders” are suffering from what one can only term a special kind of blindness, one that the Latvian PR team has clearly afflicted them with. When Callanan in an email to myself towed the Latvian party line and forwarded to myself their historical narratives that maintain the Latvian Waffen SS legion could not have played a role in the Holocaust, as it was not officially formed until 1943 when nearly all of Latvian Jewry had already been murdered, Denis MacShane , former Europe minister was proved correct when he stated, in already 2009, that the Tories “dig ever-deeper the black hole that Tory European parliament policy has fallen into, as the spotlight shines on the banalization of Jew-killing in the second world war and the downplaying of contemporary antisemitism, the Conservatives will regret this alliance which shames British parliamentary democracy.” And as Peter Beaumont wrote in the Guardian in the same year,
“What is most shocking, perhaps, in this whole story is the intellectual and moral laziness of senior Tories. And the fact that they are so little troubled at being associated with a foreign party that associates itself – for whatever reason of nationalism and history – with Hitler’s Schutzstaffel: the SS.”
What Beaumont could not have been aware of was that not only do the senior Tories not care about the association they have made with Hitler’s SS but also what one can only surmise as a very close contact with the Latvian ambassador in London. For, coincidentally enough, on the very same day and within a few hours of receiving an email from the Latvian ambassador in London explaining why the march should go ahead, Mr. Martin Callanan, the chief whip, at the time, of the conservatives in the European Parliament, also wrote to me expressing very similar sentiments,
“It is very unfortunate that your purpose does not seem to be to clarify the historical facts about the Latvian Legion or to honor victims of the Genocide against the Jewish population, which is why I cannot sign your petition.”
A few hours after sending this email to myself Mr. Callanan publicly announced that he would be leaving his post as conservative chief whip,
“It has been a privilege to serve as Leader of Conservative MEPs for the last 16 months. It has been a tumultuous time for the EU and a fascinating time to lead the delegation. I am proud of the successes that Conservative MEPs are achieving and the hard work that we put in to defend the national interest. I would love to stay on but my commitment as the newly-elected chairman of our wider European grouping requires my full-time dedication. It was an enormous privilege to have been elected leader of the ECR last December.”
“There are no war crimes attributed to the Latvian units of the Waffen SS which was formed in 1943’, Ambassador Stiprais explained to myself on the same day (1 March 2012):
“Members of the notorious Arajs Komando constituted less than 1% of those enlisted and in most cases they were duly prosecuted after World War II. All the above mentioned was recognized by western allied authorities, including the UK government, when admitting former legionnaires to their territories. In a twist of irony, some were even enlisted by the US army to guard Nazi war criminals at the Nurnberg Tribunal… In light of the aforementioned I cannot see how your petition would help in bringing justice to the victims of war crimes or crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust. On the contrary, it would simply replicate some of the old but recently reheated Soviet propaganda about “those Fascist Latvians.” I can only regret that your research into the history of the Latvian legion was limited to communicating with Mr. Feigmanis (sic Mr. Feigmanis is actually a historian and has a PhD) and some left wing politicians in Latvia.”
And in response to a very bold statement by Martin Bright, political editor of the Jewish Chronicle, who openly supported the campaign against the SS marches, Hannan in October 2012 chipped in,
“The charge, which had its origins in Soviet propaganda at the time when LNNK was leading the battle for independence from the USSR, is that party representatives attend an annual commemoration of the Latvian regiment of the Waffen-SS. The service is for those who fought against the Red Army, including, yes, those who volunteered to fight in German uniform. But it is attended by representatives of every party in Latvia except those which represent the Russian minority.”
A substantial amount of evidence including a series of personal accounts and confirmation received from the trial of German Nazi Adolph Eichmann, supports the contention that unknown numbers of Latvian Waffen SS soldiers had indeed been previously involved in the murder of Jews as auxiliary police between 1941 and 1942. 95.6 percent of Latvia’s pre-war Jewish population, were killed in 1941-42, just less than one in ten survived.Approximately 67,000 Jews were living in Latvia at the time of the Nazi invasion in July 1941. Approximately 62,000 of them were killed during the Nazi occupation. About 30,000 Jews were killed already by mid-August 1941. The main agents of this murder were small German military units joined by the so-called Arājs Commando and assisted by Latvian auxiliary police, which consisted mainly of volunteers. In late 1941 approximately an additional 30,000 Latvian Jews were killed in a carefully organized execution using the “sardine method” also aided by Latvian police and Arājs Commando in Rumbula forest, just outside the capital city of Riga. After this, about 25,000 European Jews were brought to the Riga Ghetto by train and at least half of them were murdered by mid-1942. After this blood fest the murderers, Latvian Arajs commandos and auxiliary police, subsequently and freely then joined in 1943 and 1944 the Latvian SS Legion, the 15th and 19th divisions.
It truly does take a special kind of blindness for apologists to argue today that the Latvian Legion per se did not murder, virtually all of their Latvian compatriots; who happened to be Jewish as the Legion was formed in 1943 and 1944 and Latvian Jews were in the main murdered before the Legion was formed. Such an argument is simply an exercise in finding a loophole and a morally reprehensible one at that. It should be noted those very same executioners consisting of 16 battalions of Latvian police and the notorious Arajs Team” led by Viktor Arajs participated in 1941-1942 in the Holocaust in not only Latvia but also took an active part in the liquidating of ghettos in Belarus and Poland, as well as in the destruction of civilian villages in Belarus and Russia’s Pskov region. It is as Tony Patterson in an article in the Independent wrote, after attending the 2010 SS march, “the tip of a very dangerous iceberg that is attempting to rewrite the history books and create a false symmetry or equalization of Communist and Nazi crimes.” It is also a travesty of justice that these murderers should be honored today with the glib consent of some senior British conservatives. Not receiving proper initial rebuff from the Latvian authorities and the international community, the marches” organizers invited in 1998 heads of the diplomatic missions to attend. However, the German Ambassador to Latvia, Mr. Hurst Wiesel, indignantly rejected the invitation and Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl, and French President, Jacques Chirac publicly condemned the event. Today, one needs to ask the question would the Latvian ambassador in London or President Berzins have been so outspoken of their support of the marches before 2009 and their alliance with Cameron?
Under international pressure, in 1999, the Latvian Saeima was forced to delete March 16th from the official calendar. Yet, ultra-radical, social and political organizations have started to place the date once more into the public arena. One also needs to point out that as much as the ambassador may not like to realize this ceremonies in churches and cemeteries are also forms of honoring the deceased (whether they deserve it or not). Witness the masses held in Zagreb and Split, Croatia in December 2011 in honor of the Croatian mass murderer and leader of the Ustashe Ante Pavelic.
On the 14 July 2009, a sort of summer Valentine’s day, perhaps as an antidote to the French revolution and certainly as a means of not having to sit at the same table as Sarkozy or Merkel, the traditional center right in the European union, the British conservatives and fortunately, not with the consent of all of their members, decided to get into bed with some strange allies, people who think that the Waffen SS and Jew killers are good bed pals. A party who are antisemitic, homophobic and xenophobic. Why would anyone wish to ally themselves with such a strange group of people? Short sighted political opportunism.
The Conservatives keen to position Britain as hostile to European integration (to further European Union integration) looked for parties who don’t like Brussels, and they ended up in the case of Latvia with Robert Zile a party with just one MP in the European parliament who associate themselves with anti-Stalinism, anti–Sovietism but also the Waffen SS. So why has there not been more uproar? Probably because the British public have been more concerned with domestic policies rather than foreign alliances. However, in a world today where the far right is rising the British public and Cameron can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to such links and close ears when Cameron is accused of being “untrustworthy” by Merkel, incenses Sarkozy or forget about the guillotine that fell on the head of Conservatives such as true blue Yorkshire MEP Edward Macmillan Scott who dared to state that “Cameron was flirting with respectable fascism.”
When Cameron’s Latvian liaison all kicked off David Miliband stated,
“David Cameron has shown not leadership but pandering, not judgment but dogma, not patriotic defense of national interest but the white flag of surrender to euro-extremists in his own party.”
In response to the speech Mr. Hague, shadow foreign secretary, said:
“David Miliband’s smears are disgraceful and represent a failure of his duty to promote Britain’s interests as foreign secretary. He has failed to check his facts. He has just insulted the Latvian Government, most of whose member parties have attended the commemoration of Latvia’s war dead.”
However, as we can see now it is William Hague and his epigones such as Daniel Hannan who have failed to check their facts. And to the world’s shame not one, not a single one of the numerous Latvian killers who collaborated with the Nazis has been brought to justice since Latvia obtained its independence. As Dr. Efraim Zuroff director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre stated in the Guardian already in 2009
“The results speak for themselves. Although there were numerous Nazi war criminals who could still be brought to trial, not a single one was ever punished in the Baltics, which had the worst record of local collaboration, and only two have been punished in democratic Eastern Europe. Although various leaders issued public apologies (usually in Israel, almost never at home), they failed to deliver in terms of prosecution, restitution, education and documentation. Even worse, Holocaust-related issues became the main cause of renewed local antisemitism, which threatened the minuscule remnant Jewish communities in these countries.
“For some reason, these issues, which should have been highly significant in determining the candidacy of these countries for European Union and NATO membership, were apparently not taken into account. Suddenly, these countries have the legitimacy of those memberships without having fully internalized the concomitant values. Miliband is correct in pointing out the obvious flaws of the Conservatives’ new allies. But they are only the tip of the eastern European right wing, which is determined to rewrite the history of the Second World War in a way that no self-respecting European should accept. By joining forces with parties such as Fatherland and Freedom and Law and Justice, the Conservatives are granting important legitimacy to a false narrative that seeks to whitewash war crimes and erase the heroic victory of those who saved the world from Hitler and the Nazis.”
Latvian apologists who believe that it is insulting to taint the whole Latvian legion with the same brush as those who committed atrocities in 1941 and 1942 should note it was the 15th infantry division who entrenched themselves in Berlin and engaged in the last military actions of the Third Reich. It was Latvian legionnaires who participated in the defense of the Reich’s Chancellery in Berlin in April-May 1945, right next to their Fuhrer Hitler to whom they swore an allegiance, defending him from Soviet attacks. Now, if that is not collaboration what is? To maintain that as the Latvian Legion guarded at the Nurnberg trials they therefore must be “kosher” or if you prefer “legit” the reality is that only a third of them did so, in the exterior ring not because they were innocent of crimes but because they spoke good German! Other rings were composed of Americans, allied troops and police. They should also question the following: Ivan Demyanyuk, like the Latvian legionnaires, also worked for the Americans immediately after the war; does this mean he is not a criminal? Finally, can one truly make a distinction between good SS and bad Mr. Hague? But even those who for you are “better” are not appropriate objects of adulation and glorification in member states of the EU and NATO.A return to nationalism, a rise of the right or as Denis MacShane former Europe minister has commented “a renationalism of Europe where material interests have become more important than creating a common European home” is now occurring. In Latvia today the Waffen SS marches, their glorification of Latvian SS veterans has one can conclude its roots in a desire to rebel against what they see as their oppressor Russia. Between 1939-1944 due to the Hitler Stalin pact, 1 in 20 Latvians were deported to Siberia, many ethnic Latvians suffered deeply but one must not forget that 95.6% of Latvian Jewry was murdered prior to 1944 by men who then later joined the Latvian legion. In a world, certainly not the same but reverberating echoes of 1929, it would be wise to remember the economic world crash. A time where in Germany alone there were six million unemployed coupled with a deeply insane need to find a scapegoat for economic suffering, the “Bolshevik, Marxist, greedy, Christian blood-sucking Jews” became that scapegoat within Europe. And if one cared to count the number of attacks on Jews across the world in recent years or simply browsed through the comments on You Tube pages one could be excused in concluding that the same sentiments are reoccurring again, in countries such as Latvia where ironically today hardly any Jews exist.
To avoid such inflammatory situations it is incumbent upon the EU to ensure that any form of glorification of Nazism is stamped down tightly. If such glorification has to take place then let it take place down a dark alley with no support from state officials rather than down the main streets of an EU capital aligned with patriotic youth and politicians who should know better. As Labour Glyn Ford MEP has said such marches attract the “fascist right and the fascist lite” both are dangerous particularly when we now consider the kind of right wing extremists that exist in the EU today the Jobbik party, BNP, Marie le Pen and Golden Dawn to name but a few. Parties that in the spirit of democracy are entitled to stay and gain disturbing momentum with disillusioned, unemployed youth who social networking savvy may not have economic know how and clout but certainly know how to rally their troops of hate.
The SS was the greatest Jew killing machine the world has ever known. It didn’t contain some ranks that could be seen as “good” and for anyone and for certainly public elected figures to state that they were simply obeying orders is quite frankly grossly irresponsible and naive. One cannot as Dovid Katz of Defending History.com has pointed out many times be committed to human rights and pluralism and adulate Hitler’s forces at the same time. As David Cesarani, former director of the Wiener Library and historian wrote in The Guardian in 2009:
“By allying with right-wingers who propound this distorted view of the past, the Conservatives are implicitly giving legitimacy to their narrative. This is not just a matter of historical interpretation; it has implications for public policy today and in the future. It is a version of the past that justified discrimination against the Russian minority in post-independence Latvia. It is a national story that militates against cosmopolitanism and works, instead, in favor of an exclusive identity. To befriend these extremists is to betray the democrats and pluralists in Latvia who, since 1991, have worked so hard to tell the truth about their country’s tragic experiences under two totalitarian regimes.”
Along with the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Habeas Corpus, trial by jury and the English common law finding its most famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence, the UK has much to feel proud of. However, a little liaison with Latvia is not on that list. Would Churchill not be rolling in his grave if he knew that such public displays of Nazi glorification were being accepted by his political heirs? When Churchill declared on the 13 May 1945, “Never before in the history of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few,” he did not in the same breath say “And let us not forget to commemorate Hitler’s forces as well .” No, he did not Mr. Cameron!
[1] see http://foto.delfi.lv/picture/2687824/ that shows the following members of the LNNK party attending the 2012 SS march: Raivis Dzintars (VL-TB/LNNK), Jānis Dombrava (VL-TB/LNNK), Inara Mūrniece (VL-TB/LNNK), Kārlis Kresliņš (VL-TB/LNNK), Dzintars Rasnačs (VL-TB/LNNK), Inese Laizāne (VL-TB/LNNK) , Vineta Poriņa (VL-TB/LNNK), Dzintars Kudums (VL-TB/LNNK) and Ilmārs Latkovskis (VL-TB/LNNK) and from Riga city council Jānis Atis Krūmiņš. For full details of all members of the 11th Latvian Saeima, see: http://titania.saeima.lv/personal/deputati/saeima11_depweb_public.nsf/deputies?openview&lang=EN&count=1000
Why do you so deeply misunderstand the motivation for those veterans' ceremonies in Latvia?
ReplyDeleteNo Goebbels-Allee. No Nazi symbols. Nazi symbols and Nazi ideology are forbidden by law in Latvia. None of the people who lay flowers at the Freedom monument has any sympathy for nazism or fascism.
And yet you keep accusing them of precisely that.
What's you next step? To claim that every person whose name is Adolf or Heinrich is clearly a Nazi in disguise and should be forced to change his name?...
Reports from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance that in 2008 explicitly stated and once again reiterated in February 2012:
ReplyDelete“All attempts to commemorate persons who fought in the Waffen SS and collaborate with the Nazis should be condemned. Any gathering or march legitimizing in any way Nazism should be banned.”
One cannot be committed to human rights and pluralism and adulate Hitler's forces at the same time whether you wear Armani or Nazi outfits as you remember and honour SS veterans is in this respect quite irrelevant.
Don`t slander Waffen SS soldiers, be thankful to them! Otherwise for me it would be much easier to talk with you using Russian language.
ReplyDeleteBut I doubt. If your relatives moved to London, they were more prosperous than other average people. So, bear in mind, prosperous jews were killed befor Nazi came. Don`t forget - there was Soviet NKVD one year earlier who killed and deported all intelligent, rich and talented jews (ok, it`s partly carried out by jews itself - so not interesting for propoganda. Sadly, jews at NKVD was rather popular, latvians too. So Nazi used all this for propoganda purposes and easily collected team for revenge (some hundreds of people), thousands in SS police itself).
People volunteered on Waffen SS side - to fight against Soviet Union (that`s all). If your life level is higher than average person in Russia has, you would have good chance to learn Russian language and have outside temperature -30`C now.
Please read: Stalin`s complete speach on 19th august 1939.
You can`t imagine how abonimable rude it is to call someone "Nazi" if that person is not nazi at all. And you are making petitions and so on. Just because ex-KGB agents (the same people formed Interfront - Moscow instituted organisation, who fought against Latvian independence. After Independence proclamation, Latvia made strict laws and all kind of regimes is strictly forbidden. It means kommunism, soviet union symbols and all kind of nazi things. So, these persons formed organisations "against nazism", "human rights organisation" and continues to do their SOviet KGB "interesting" propoganda things. And you are helping to these Red Nazi.
Mr Peimanis, you clearly have a very distorted view of history. May we suggest that you start reading some good history books that can be accessed in any good library in the west.
ReplyDeleteWe wonder whether you and those like you who glorify and honour the Waffen SS ever question how grossly insulting you are to those who were victims of the Nazis? When you and others march down the streets of an EU capital and honour such murderers do you ever question or pray for the Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, disabled, children and elderly civilians who were brutally murdered by the 15th and 19th divisions of the Waffen SS? Do you say a prayer for them as young misinformed Latvians desecrate the wreaths to the victims of Nazism? Do you ever question how appalling your honouring of SS veterans looks to the outside world? Do you ever question that when you and others honour SS veterans who were part of the most genocidal regime the world has ever known that you go against every value that democracy, that the EU, is based on?
> May we suggest that you start reading some good history books that can be accessed in any good library in the west.
DeleteI would be thankful to read good books of history - unbiased, neutral, without propoganda interpretation. Although for obvious resons there can`t be good books. One really respected western holokaust and history professor who is well recognised by all sides, is Andriew Ezergailis. I can suggest to you check out his books. Good place to start is here: http://haolusa.org
> We wonder whether you and those like you who glorify and honour the Waffen SS ever question how grossly insulting you are to those who were victims of the Nazis?
Question is realy personal. But I don`t hesitate to broadly answer it:
1. I never ever marched down or glorified Waffen SS. I participaded on these events as hobby photographer and wanted to see evrything by myself to better undertsand what`s happening.
2. I am really lucky (with my relatives) - one of my grandfathers was forcifly incorporated into Soviet Army - at wery begining of war he was seriously injured into leg, so, after that he were still in Soviet side, but not on first lines (because that one leg was "unbentable" in knee anymore - for rest of his life. But he stayed alive - so her I am! :). Other grandfather was well recognized fisherman in Kurland area. Soviets didn`t took him, because he was needed as important food source. Waffen SS didn`t took him too - because he was already needed for food supply at that historical moment in Kurland.
The only Waffen SS soldier what I knew personally from my relatives, was uncle of my Godfather. When he was 16 years old, he was forcifly taken into Waffen SS. First month german soldiers taught to them military things. There was rather rude attitude to these boys and when there started first military chaos, he and one friend run away. He hided in forests (near home) for half a year or so, then was arrested by Soviets. There was no information about him, so, he was sentenced to Gulag for 25 years. There in gulag he met Russian woman from Caucasus area with small boy. When boy was something like 10 years old, Stalin died, these soldiers were amnested and were able to return home. So, that way I got godfather (husband of my fathers sister). Russian/caucasian boy who were sentenced to Gulag - just because Caucasians were occupied by Germans. And I can`t imagine more helpful and nice person than my godfather is. From gulag returned every forth man who was taken into Waffen SS.
It`s short information for you, dear red nazi - there is no place for collective guilt in 21st century. All Waffen SS soldiers ar totally filtered already. If there was tiniest rumors that person is guilty - he died. If there was no information - for preventive purposes - he died (3/4 cases). If there was clear information that he was not guilty - he sometimes died, worked for some years in soviet slave stalags, then was free person (of course, without chances to travel abrouad, to get good education, good work etc).
Besides - my Godfather started to go to school at twelve, when he arrived in Latvia and didn`t had chance to get higher education - after elementary school were taken into Soviet Army (far north again) for years.
> who were brutally murdered by the 15th and 19th divisions of the Waffen SS?
DeleteCan you show any source for this information? Or you mean SD police groups who were later incorporated into these divisions and was hated by other soldiers?
> Do you ever question how appalling your honouring of SS veterans looks to the outside world?
Some days ago I took pictures of all that ceremony where those weterans just want to place flowers for Latvia (because it is free country now). It was interesting to see how actively works with PRESS Tatyana Zhdanok, Josif Koren and some other people. They were interviewed all the time... Unstoppable flow of lies - total change of meanings. And it was really sad. Even big conference was managed to spread lies around the world. And I just was curious to check it out on internet - indeed - lot of sources has spread all these lies further. You are one of these mirrors. So, I decided - to write at least couple of comments about all this. Because I am not marching, but I have read uncountless stack of information (in all languages). Besides, I am not nazi in any way: I have relatives in Israel, my parents "ar made" from latvian, latgalian, polish, lithuanian, Baltic german grandparents (approx in equal proportions, etc). My daughter has russian part too.
> that you go against every value that democracy, that the EU, is based on?
Nuremberg Tribunal:
"...excluding, however, those who were drafted into membership by the State in such a way as to give them no choice in the matter, and who had committed no such crimes."
Even "revenge" tribunal were able to follow EU democracy principles and exclude nacistic collective guilt approach (like, all jews are bad. Or all Waffen SS soldiers are criminals), why you can`t?
1. to be official SS member (nazi organisation) person needed to be NSDAP member. Jews, Latvians, Russians etc were not be able to be NSDAP members (as nationals good for total elimination).
2. Persons who were taken into SS by force - were not guilty.
3. Persons who stepped in as freelancers (to fight against red nazi) but did no war crimes or crimes agianst humanity - were not guilty.
And I hope nacism has ended with tribunal at 1946 and they are still NOT guilty. Or something changed and now there started pure jewish nacism?
Of course - most of them (not guilty) died in Soviet slave gulags.
Actually I don`t believe you ever will understand that they are not guilty. But I hope!
Mr Peimanis, we are sorry to disappoint you but even the Latvian historian Mr Erzergailis has never stated that there was good SS and bad. Whatever the grounds for conscription the SS as a whole was a criminal organisation, any thinking German today would tell you that it was a DEEP shame to be part of Hitler's forces not an honour. Lets be clear there are no good SS and to think otherwise is truly naieve.
DeleteJust to be clear again we wonder whether you and people like who apologise for those who glorify and honour the Waffen SS ever question how grossly insulting you are to those who were victims of the Nazis? When you and other like you apologise for those who march down the streets of an EU capital and honour such murderers do you ever question or pray for the Jews, Roma and Sinti, Poles, Russians, disabled, homosexuals, children ,elderly civilians to name but a few who were brutally murdered by the Waffen SS and their willing collaborators or do you only consider your own very small patch of land and what you see as your suffering in your strange post modern world where right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right?
In terms of your own country Latvia, do you ever say a prayer for the Jews, many of them people who had lived in Latvia for generations, Latvians who happened to be Jewish, who were murdered using the sardine method in Rumbula or massacred in the dunes in Libau in 1941 by Latvian men who then later joined the 15th and 19th divisions of the Waffen SS? If you think this is a lie why don't you read Ezergailis again or visit the Jewish Museum in Riga and look at some of the photos there of the killings or how about reading evidence that includes a series of personal accounts and confirmation received from the trial of Adolf Eichmann that support that unknown numbers of Latvian Waffen SS soldiers acting as auxillary police were involved in the murder of Jews between 1941-1942, murdering 95.5% of Latvia's pre-war jewish population.
Do you say a prayer for these Jewish Latvians as young misinformed Latvians desecrate the wreaths to the victims of Nazism each and every year on the 16th March laid down by international delegations that have consisted of eminent politicians, human rights activists and historians? Do you ever question how appalling your honouring of SS veterans looks to the outside world? Do you ever question that when you and others honour SS veterans who were part of the most genocidal regime the world has ever known that you go against every value that democracy, something the EU an organisation that Latvia has been granted admittance since 2004, is based on? ( Regarding the Latvian Waffen SS read the article below concerning the kind of things these men did)
If one scours the internet for a list of people who have made a positive difference to our world, there are many different opinions , below one such list, however only on Neo-Nazi sites will one see the name of Hitler and his forces as a group worthy of praise. Mr Peimanis you feel offended being grouped with Nazis however, ask yourself the following, if you don't want to be grouped with Nazis then why do you adulate those who collaborated with them?
Nope, no mention of Hitler or his forces or Veiss, Shilde or Ancans in this list....
Mr Peimanis you and others like you suggest that Latvian SS forces liberated the western world from a force worse than Nazism- Russian Communists . May we remind you that the Allies consisted of Russian, American and British troops who allowed the world to be free of the greatest genocidal force the world has ever known. Below a small example of the atrocities committed by Hitler's forces and his willing foreign executioners, atrocities that the Allies rescued each and everyone of us from INCLUDING Latvians. You seem to have forgotten that if Hitler had been victorious it would have been a disaster for Latvia since the Nazis had no intention or plan to grant Latvia independence. Historians know very well of the Nazis’ plans to do away with the Latvian (among Baltic) peoples after the planned-for victory. There would have been no Latvia to become independent in 1991 or Monument of Freedom for you to lay wreaths down to for your Latvian SS veterans who collaborated with Hitler....
DeleteHistory to the liberation of the camps by the Allies
Liberation of Auschwitz
Original, unedted footage of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army
Can't see any SS troops liberating the survivors. Can Latvian apologists?
Liberation of Belsen
Liberation of Belsen by British Troops
http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/holocaust/5115.shtml Broadcaster Richard Dimbleby describes Belsen
Can't see any SS troops liberating the survivors. Can Latvian apologists?
Liberation of Buchenwald
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QtfxRTZdKk Liberation of Buchenwald and Dachau by American Troops
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3SCSouI8WE Liberation of Buchenwald (Edward R. Murrow broadcast)
Can't see any SS troops liberating the survivors. Can Latvian apologists?
> even the Latvian historian Mr Erzergailis has never stated that there was good SS and bad.
ReplyDeleteNeither I.
Neither any of those people who goes with flowers to monument of freedom. Although I will repeat: Persons who were not nazi, can`t be nazi.
Please read carefully: http://haolusa.org/en/index.php?./Legion/LL-600-Cleared.ssi
There is no Waffen SS marching in Riga. There is no nazi glorification.
> unknown numbers of Latvian Waffen SS soldiers acting as auxillary police were involved in the murder of Jews between 1941-1942, murdering 95.5% of Latvia's pre-war jewish population.
There was no Latvian Legion at the moment when Jews were killed. Besides, Jews were killed by specialised comandos from Germany. Small part was killed by latvian SD police grops. Besides - I don`t care about comandos nationality. Crime is crime.
> as young misinformed Latvians desecrate the wreaths to the victims of Nazism.
It`s sad, really sad. KGB ex-nazis intentinally places provacative wreaths and nobody informs thouse dumb and young people - DON`T TOUCH IT. I exactly was in epicenter when all this happened. I was so surprised, that forgot to take pictures... And then there was zilion of filmers and photographers around me. And I felt even more sad - how will spread that tiny stupidity ouver the world. I saw face of that filming operator (who went together with provocation group) and his satisfaction. I saw faces of wreath provocation group too (Jews bones bussinessmen) and they were happy. Look on both ladies on left side of video - is it good to be happy and have fun!? http://youtu.be/1mnFIA148g4
>ask yourself the following, if you don't want to be grouped with Nazis then why do you adulate those who collaborated with them?
Once more. Latvian Legion didn`t colobrate with nazi, they are not gilty for war crimes. They were not Waffen SS as it is defined. There is no collective guilt nowadays. Collective guilt is nazism!
> May we remind you that the Allies consisted of Russian, American and British troops who...
ReplyDeleteLet`s start with simple things. UK didn`t had a chance to enjoy any of these regimes. People of Latvia had good opportunity to compare. So, listen what they think. Especially those who were taken into SS by force, escaped from first lines in war, survied, were sent to GULAG, returned, had no chance for human rights and normal live and have no chance to place flowers near monument of freedom.
> You seem to have forgotten that if Hitler had been victorious it would have been a disaster for Latvia
I seem exactly know and remember all this all the time, wne I am trying to not be angry - that these soldiers were not be able to be Nazi people.
Legion was formed exactly after east Europe was sold to RED NAZI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_Conference
"Stalin wished for an area in the Eastern part of Poland to be added to the USSR, and for the border to be lengthened elsewhere in the country. Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to this demand, and Poland’s borders were declared to lie along the Oder and Neisse rivers and the Curzon line, despite protests of the Polish government-in-exile in London. Churchill and Roosevelt also consented to the USSR setting up puppet communist governments in Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states, Romania, and other Eastern European countries which would result in a loss of freedom by these countries for the next fifty years and would be the genesis of the Cold War."
Although, there is one important remark!
After WWI when Latvia proclamed Independence, it was occupied by Soviet red Riflemens and soviet regime. They started colectivisation and genocide against rich people. Most of red riflemen who fought for freedom of simple people, realised, thtat Bolshevikhs started disasterous regime and they went to side of newly proclamed Latvia. Soviet forces were much more powerful, but they joined together with German Bermon`ts forces and beat Soviets. Although Germans wanted to make their own Ostland but there was good chance to cooperate with Estonians and Germans were beat too - that Baltic army was heavily supported by England forces who helped to newly recognised country. And after that rest of red army were beat out of Latgalia too.
Just 20 years later everything happened again. Exactly the same way - Germans was in Latvia, their fate was clear... But from other side came Red NAZI. That`s why there is no crimes (zero evidences). They fought against red army.
Why 16th march.
I have read most of online available memories, books, even russian side books about fight from their side.
There was one interesting idea mentioned by simple soldier. Obviously, germans used Latvians as first line meat for soviet guns. And when they took back height 93,4 it was important to help safely step back German forces (to have less loses), Fighting around 16th of march was so hard, that latvian divisions became almost nonexistant.
So, thats why 16th of march. Because there was no more poverful forces to protect Latvia against Soviet occupation. Legion was weak and Red army 130 division riflemen (Latvians who were on other side of firing line) rejected to come to their side and fight together for freedom of Latvia. And Legion were betrayed by allies (teheran conference) this time too - they hoped that Allies will ocme from other side and they will be able to stop RED army at some point till allies comes. 19th division stayed in Kurland till death, 15th division surendered to USA forces near Berlin.
So, 15th division has some links with your coments like:
> Can't see any SS troops liberating the survivors.
Their specialisation (according to your understanding) was different. So they continued to safeguard... Most serios camp of that time:
ReplyDeleteA series of conflicts within the territory of Latvia during 1918–1920 is commonly known as the Latvian War of Independence. In December 1918 Soviet Russia invaded the new republic and rapidly conquered almost all the territory of Latvia, Riga itself was captured by the Soviet Army on 4 April 1919, with the exception of a small territory near Liepāja. The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic was proclaimed on 17 December 1918 with the political, economic, and military backing of the Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia. On March 3, 1919 German and Latvian forces commenced a counterattack against the forces of Soviet Latvia. On 22 May 1919 Riga was recaptured. In June 1919 collisions started between the Baltische Landeswehr on one side and the Estonian 3rd division on the other.[13] The 3rd division defeated the German forces in the Battle of Wenden on June 23. An armistice was signed at Strazdumuiža, under the terms of which the Germans had to leave Latvia.[13] However the German forces instead of leaving, were incorporated into the West Russian Volunteer Army.[13] On October 5 it commenced an offensive on Riga taking the west bank of the Daugava River but on November 11 was defeated by Latvian forces and by the end of the month, driven from Latvia. On January 3, 1920 the united Latvian and Polish forces launched an attack on the Soviet army in Latgalia and took Daugavpils. By the end of January they reached the etnographic border of Latvia. On August 11, 1920 according to the Latvian–Soviet Peace Treaty ("Treaty of Riga") Soviet Russia relinquished authority over the Latvian nation and claims to Latvian territory "once and for all times".
The international community (United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Italy and Japan) recognized Latvia's independence on January 26, 1921, and the recognition from many other countries followed soon. In this year Latvia also became a member of the League of Nations (September 22, 1921).
Mr Peimanis we will repeat once more and for the final time one cannot be committed to human rights and pluralism and adulate Hitler's forces at the same time. If you don't want to be seen as someone who supports Nazism then don't adulate and apologise for those who fought for Hitler. It really is as simple as that.
ReplyDeleteWe suggest you read all the articles and books listed on this site for example to have a true picture regarding the SS and the Latvian Waffen SS. There are no good SS and by thinking that it is acceptable to adulate one group of SS due to whatever reasons goes against the very fabric of democracy that the EU is based on. Your beloved Latvian Legion, your beloved Waffen SS were amongst the 37 Waffen SS groups the most decorated of all, it was one of the most brutal, if not the most brutal . The 15th division protected Hitler until the bitter end, if this is not collaboration what is? We suggest that you view the You tube clips listed on this site particularly for 2012 where youths desecrate the wreath to the victims of Nazism with Latvian police and armed guards standing by. We suggest you listen to the comments of the international delegation who placed the wreath down and witnessed its destruction. We suggest you read some of the eyewitness accounts of impartial observers. To get a true historical perspective with regards to Hitler's forces may we finally suggest that you read some books in a library rather than constantly referring to Wikipedia and online sources for your information.
ReplyDeleteSome short points to bear in mind regarding March 16 and the Latvian Waffen SS:
The Latvian legion of the Waffen SS was set up in the winter of 1943, only seventy years ago, under Hitler’s orders, and formally established on March 16th 1944. There is consensus amongst all Latvian historians that the day marks the only time that the two Divisions of the Legion (15th and 19th) fought together against the Red Army. Therefore, by making the 16th March a day to remember war dead, Latvians, (despite Latvian official protestations to the contrary), are making the day when Latvian volunteers fought in the 15th and 19th divisions of the SS an act of commemoration. As Israeli/Jewish critics have commented even if one takes the stance that the Latvian legionnaires were not criminals and that they were forced to fight for the Nazis, to honor the Legion is far from being a positive act and a far cry from a policy to publicly GLORIFY them. Glorification of pro-Nazi armed forces during World War II has no place in a European Union / NATO / OSCE country.
During World War II, the Nazis created 37 divisions of Waffen Schutzstaffel (Waffen SS) of which only 12 were comprised exclusively by Germans. Most of the members of the divisions were recruited among the so-called “Aryan” populations of the occupied or annexed countries. Although the Latvians were not all considered “Aryan,” they were massively recruited. Out of 900,000 Waffen SS, almost 150,000 were Latvians thus being the largest foreign contingent while their country, Latvia, only had two million inhabitants. The Latvians were mainly placed in the 15th Infantry Division, which became the most decorated non-German Waffen SS unit receiving 13 Knight Crosses amongst them. Those Latvians of whom there were around 130,000 chose to fight for the Red army were described by Professor Vaira Vike-Freiberga sixth president of Latvia from 1999 to 2007 as “traitors.”
Latvian apologists who believe that it is insulting to taint the whole Latvian legion with the same brush as those who committed atrocities in 1941 and 1942 should note it was the 15th infantry division who entrenched themselves in Berlin and engaged in the last military actions of the Third Reich. It was Latvian legionnaires who participated in the defense of the Reich’s Chancellery in Berlin in April-May 1945, right next to their Fuhrer Hitler to whom they swore an allegiance, defending him from Soviet attacks. Now, if that is not collaboration what is? To maintain that as the Latvian Legion guarded at the Nurnberg trials they therefore must be “kosher” or if you prefer “legit” the reality is that only a third of them did so, in the exterior ring not because they were innocent of crimes but because they spoke good German! Other rings were composed of Americans, allied troops and police. They should also question the following: Ivan Demyanyuk, like the Latvian legionnaires, also worked for the Americans immediately after the war; does this mean he is not a criminal?
It truly does take a special kind of blindness for Latvian apologists to argue today that the Latvian Legion per se did not murder, virtually all of their Latvian compatriots; who happened to be Jewish as the Legion was formed in 1943 and 1944 and Latvian Jews were in the main murdered before the Legion was formed. Such an argument is simply an exercise in finding a loophole and a morally reprehensible one at that. It should be noted those very same executioners consisting of 16 battalions of Latvian police and the notorious Arajs Team” led by Viktor Arajs participated in 1941-1942 in the Holocaust in not only Latvia but also took an active part in the liquidating of ghettos in Belarus and Poland, as well as in the destruction of civilian villages in Belarus and Russia’s Pskov region. It is as Tony Patterson in an article in the Independent wrote, after attending the 2010 SS march, “the tip of a very dangerous iceberg that is attempting to rewrite the history books and create a false symmetry or equalization of Communist and Nazi crimes.”
> It really is as simple as that.
ReplyDeleteNop. Soldier can`t be guilty if he is not guilty. Jew ar not nazi, just because he lived in Buchenvald.
> There are no good SS.
Agreed! Latvian Legion is not SS. To be member of SS, one needs to be member of Nazi party. Latvians were not be able to become members of nazi party - for obvious and natural reasons, as you know.
> We suggest you listen to the comments of the international delegation...
I saw those dumb coments of dumb international delagation who just does not understand what`s happening.
> and formally established on March 16th 1944.
>to honor the Legion is far from being a positive act and a far cry from a policy to publicly GLORIFY them.
If they are not guilty (remeber Nurenberg court) be so kind - allow them to glorify monument of Latvia`s freedom. Is it too much too?
> Out of 900,000 Waffen SS, almost 150,000 were Latvians thus being the largest foreign contingent while their country, Latvia, only had two million inhabitants.
as you can see - it is real tragedy for our country. It is just normal to have special day for tragedy like this. On that day these people can be thankful to Freedom of Latvia - have rights in EU, NATO and 21st century.
And it is our deep honour to protect them against KGB-Jewish-Russian-nazi and their sad falsification of meanings.
> It was Latvian legionnaires who participated in the defense of the Reich’s Chancellery in Berlin in April-May 1945, right next to their...
What would they else can do? Just evaporate and dissapear?
Do you know how much german soldiers surrended and were captivated by Soviet Army under Stalingrad? 120 000 soldiers.
Do you know hom many left after some weeks? 6 000
It`s like All Jew in Baltics. Whoops, and dissapeared tens of thousands of people. And nobody cares. War crime, but who cares? Do you care? Nop, you are nazi - you like this - german soldiers ar not people they ar nazis, they ar fighting on nazi side... Yep!
That`s why 15th division stepped back fighting against soviet army. To surrender to americans. Would you be able to read latvian language, there is memories of soldiers how they didn`t protected Berlin and moved to USA side and surrended (when it was finally possible and close enough).
> It should be noted those very same executioners consisting of 16 battalions of Latvian police and the notorious Arajs Team” led by Viktor Arajs participated in 1941-1942
There is at least three articles on internet where one can read that Legion soldiers really hated Arajs.
Would you like to work together with Pedophile - if he would be freed after some years?
There was story about Miervaldis Adamsons who rejected to sit near Arajs at ceremony. And there was conflit abut them. There was case where Arajs was beaten by other soldiers once. Besides, Arajs was Baltic-german nationality, grevn up by his german mother (without father`s strong hand).
> the tip of a very dangerous iceberg that is attempting to rewrite the history books and create a false symmetry or equalization of Communist and Nazi crimes.
Tony, can`t judge about things what he does not understand.
Thank you Mr Peigmanis,
ReplyDeleteYour comments tell us everything we need to know concerning the level of indoctrination you and others like you in Latvia have suffered and still suffer from.
Due to the comments you have been coming out that smack of racism we believe you have now exhausted your arguments. To allow others to speak we trust you will understand but we will not be publishing any more of your comments but thank you for the ones you have given. They are a true eye opener.
Just in case you would like to acquaint yourself a little further on the men in the Latvian Legion here is a reading list to get you going taken from Roland Binet’s article concerning the Museum of Occupation in Riga ( see Blog entry January 2012) and the Latvian Legion who were the 15 and 19th divisions of the Waffen SS ( see blog entry March 2012). Useful libraries to visit would be The Wiener Library and Yad Vashem if you fear others may have propaganda within them:
« И ТЫ ЭТО ВИДЕЛ » (i ty eto videl/And You Saw It) by David Silberman, published by BOTA/Riga, ISBN 9984-19-970-3, can be bought at the Museum of the Jews of Latvia/Riga. David Silberman was born in Preiļi in Latviain 1934. His family fled the native town just one day before the murder of nearly all its Jewish inhabitants. Around 1958, David Silberman decided to collect testimonial material from survivors from the Holocaust. This was realised clandestinely because the Soviet authorities frowned on activities and written works that made a differentiation between Jewish and Soviet (i.e. non-Jews) victims. An activist for the right of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel, David Silberman was one of the leading persons to organise a hunger-strike in Moscow at the beginning of the seventies. He underwent questioning by the KGB, a search of his apartment. Finally, after the hunger-strike he was granted permission to emigrate to Israel. He is now an American citizen and has many other books in Russian and English. One of these - entitled “Like a Star in the Darkness”, ISBN 979-9984-280-6 – describes the story of Janis (Zhan) Lipke, a Latvian patriot who helped and saved around 50 Jews from certain death during WWII. This righteous man was honoured in Jerusalem where his name was inscribed in the“Golden Book” of the Jewish nation as Righteous among the Nations (from the cover of his book and my personal contacts with him: Roland Binet)
« THE MURDER OF THE JEWS IN LATVIA1941-1945 », by Bernhard Press, Nothwestern University Press, ISBN 0-8101-1729-0, can be bought on Internet. According to the short biographical information on the back cover, Bernhard Press was born in Latvia in 1917. He studied in Florencebecause of covert anti-Semitism in Latvia. In 1951, he was accused of high treason and sentenced to 25 years in an arctic labour camp. After being released in 1956, he emigrated to West-Germany. He was an Honorary Professor of Pathology at the Free University of Berlin.
« MEMOIRS »by Elmar Rivosh, ISBN 978-9984-39-515-9; this book can be bought at the Museum of the Jews of Latvia in Riga. According to the short biographical information on the back cover and footnote ˡ page 7 of his memoirs, Elmar Rivosh was born in Kreuzburg (Krustpils) in 1906, studies in Riga, later Paris. He was imprisoned in the Riga ghetto, and he was the only one from his family to escape when he went into hiding with the help of Latvian benevolents. Excerpts from the chapters“The Beginning of the End” and “It Begins” have been translated into several languages and widely circulated. They are acknowledged as a remarkable testament to WWII. The bulk of the text was written in hiding during the war and completed after liberation. These chapters were sent to Soviet writers (V. Grossman and I. Ehrenburg) in order to be included in the “Black Book”. The manuscript featured at the Nuremberg Trials of the key Nazi criminals. The entire edition of the already typeset of the “Black Book” was never published at that time, it was destroyed when the Anti-Fascist Committee (in the USSR) was liquidated by the Stalinist regime. (as is well-known, the “Black Book”was later published in Western-European countries and translated into many languages: Roland Binet).
ReplyDelete« L’EXTERMINATION DES JUIFS EN LETTONIE 1941-1945 » (The Extermination of the Jews in Latvia 1941-1945), a conferences’ cycle, director of publication Rabbin Ménachem Barkahan, ISBN 978-9984-9835-8-5, published by the « Shamir Association »,Riga/Latvia; translated from the original Russian but available in French at the Museum of the Jews of Latvia; this book received the support of the “Agence Exécutive” (Éducation, audiovisuel et culture – EACEA) from the EU. This remarkable book describes in a very thorough manner the social and political context in Latvia prior to WWII. It details methodically, village after village, town after town, city after city, ghetto after ghetto, killing ground after killing ground, what really happened in Latvia and how the Latvian Jews were exterminated during WWII. (for anyone really interested in knowing the horrifying reality of the Holocaust in Latvia, this is an absolute must, and it is a pity it is not yet available in English or German: Roland Binet).
The late Raoul Hilberg documented a substantial amount of information on how Latvians, well before the formation of specific Latvian SS units, murdered first the local Jewish population and then several trainloads of German Jewish people, especially in Riga, under the loose supervision of German SS. It becomes clear from historical evidence that Latvians (and other) so-called Hilfswilligen (= willing helpers) did not need much encouragement to plunder and murder Jewish communities, their own and the ones delivered by the Nazis).
ReplyDeleteRelevant literature (excerpt):
• The Destruction of the European Jews (Yale University Press, 2003; originally published in 1961).
• The Holocaust today (Syracuse University Press, 1988).
• Sources of Holocaust research: An analysis (Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2001).
• The politics of memory: The journey of a Holocaust historian (Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 1996).
• Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders: The Jewish catastrophe, 1933-1945 (Aaron Asher Books, NY, 1992).
• "The Fate of the Jews in the Cities." Reprinted in Betty Rogers Rubenstein (ed.), et al. What kind of God? : Essays in honor of Richard L. Rubenstein (University Press of America, 1995).
• "The destruction of the European Jews: precedents." Printed in Bartov, Omer. Holocaust: Origins, implementation, aftermath (Routledge, London, 2000).
• Hilberg, Raul (editor). Documents of destruction: Germany and Jewry, 1933-1945 (Quadrangle Books, Chicago, 1971).
Hale, Christopher Hitler's Foreign Executioners
Your last comment(s) are misleading again! I told you many times: we are really sad about all these people who died due to nacistic regime clash on our land. One regime was intended to eliminate talanted, prosperos etc people, other was intended to eliminate jews, then others.
ReplyDeleteEvery latvian knows about jews in Latvia. We remember and know that our jews was educated, prosperous, smart and talented. Wear proud with our ex-Latvian Mark Rothko and Philippe Halsman. As I am head of one photo comunity I can say that we have annual Halsman`s days (just latvian hobby photographers ar taking pictures at his style), I worked at company who Bilt huge center in Daugapils - called by Rotko`s name. And many, many, many other Jews.
Would you be so kind to finally open eyes, you might understand, that Latvia was safe place for Jews for centuries. Latvian people was under ocupations most of time, so we just really realistically understand other people. Even 1930-ies Latvia was safe place for Jews. They moved to Latvia from other western contries.
If you do not understand what happens on 16th march, it`s sad. Really sad.
Organisations who organises protest campaigns near monument of freedom are from the same people who were members of Interfront - soviet KGB people who tried to stop down our will to gain back independence of Latvia.
It was so hard to Israel to get back it`s country. And imagine well known nazi leaders (KGB ex-agents) coming and putting wreaths for murdered palestinians (for victims of nazism).
Sad problem - nobody cares what they bring (except international organisations, invited by ex-kgb agents) people care, that these evil people, who is still paid from Moscow, is intentionally coming with provocation.
Israeli people might be the best ones who can understand and help us. But sadly your are blind - you hear just ex-kgb lies. You hear "marching and SS" and that`s all. Like "jews" for german nazis at 1941.
In reality - it is good work for MOSSAD, to stop these people who intentionally make speculation on Holocaust, even trying to provoke angryness against KGB agents , who is NAZI for Latvians (50 years of nacistic attitude to our country) who has hijacked "human rights".
Mr Peimanis, We have now given you more than your fair share to speak your mind.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel so sorry for all the Jews who were murdered in Latvia then out of respect to them and their relatives living today it would be appropriate to stop honouring the murderers. There is nothing more to say on this except start reading and stop seeing propaganda in every single historical fact listed that is contrary to your exceptionally biased and parenoid view. In terms of the kind of prejudiced and quite frankly ignorant comments you have been making on this page read some of your earlier comments on this page and question how you would feel if you were a Jew living today. ' If your relatives moved to London, they were more prosperous than other average people. So, bear in mind, prosperous jews were killed befor Nazi came' NO, quite wrong. Hitler and his willing executioners did not decide to kill only certain types of Jews according to income, they chose to kill ALL JEWS. This is just one fact Mr Peimanis that clearly Latvian history books have not taught you. Start reading some others!
A little background history regarding the life of Latvian Jews prior to Nazi invasion in June 1941 and since
ReplyDelete1) In 1905 there was an attempt of a pogrom in the Moscow suburb of Riga , a few people were killed.
2) Jewish industrialists were discriminated during the Ulmanis regime ( 1918-1921), and some of them (Fomcenko family, owners of Laima chocolate factory, for example) were forced to sell their factories and go abroad. "Latvia for ethnic Latvians" became a motto of Ulmanis.
3) According to 79 year old Jacov Reisin in June 1941 BEFORE Nazi troops even entered Riga Latvian nationalists shot Jews in Gogola street – Jews who were attempting to get onto trains to flee Latvia and escape to Russia for safety.
4) On 14 June 1941 around 15, 000 Latvians were deported and killed by Soviets before the German army entered Latvia. When the Germans invaded Latvia June 22, 1941 , 10 000 ethnic Latvians were accused of collaborating with the Soviets and were killed in the summer-autumn of 1941, about 75, 000 Jews were also killed. Due to the massive collaboration of ethnic Latvians 95.6% of Latvia’s pre-war Jewish population were murdered.
5. When Latvia fell to the Germans on July 1st 1941, Voldemārs Veis (November 7, 1899 – April 17, 1944) a lieutenant Colonel in the Latvian army and a prominent Nazi collaborator and chief of the auxiliary police broadcasted a radio call for volunteers to enlist and rid Latvia of “traitors” that included Soviet functionaries, Communists and Jews. Many enlisted, and the “cleansing” began. Veis is still honoured today in Latvia.
6. In 1995 the President of Latvia at the time Guntis Ulmanis presented Adolfs Shilde books to Latvian schools. Adolfs Shilde was one of the founders of the Perkonkrusts (the leader was Gustavs Celmins a man who is honored in the Museum of Occupation in Riga, a museum that curiously only devotes one small corner of its museum to the Latvian Jewish community and its extermination). An interesting fact that Latvian apologists like to overlook is that The Perkonkrusts already in 1930, eleven years before the Germans invaded expressed the desire to eliminate all Jews. Today Shilde’s books can be found in any serious public library in Latvia. Shilde, a great antisemite and Nazi collaborator called for the absolute annihilation of Jews. In 1942 in his annual review of events in Zemgalle, he stated,
“If we assess the most outstanding events of the past year, we cannot remain silent about the great joy we feel about the solution of the Jewish question in our country.”
7. For now Latvian apologists should question the following. On 16 March 1944 when the 15th and 19th divisions of the Waffen SS fought against the Red Army not so far away from Leningrad around 1,5 000 000 innocent men, women and children died of hunger due to a Nazi blockade. Should such a day be commemorated by anyone?