Thursday, 4 July 2013

May 2013 - July 2013 News- Lithuania and Latvia are honoured by the EU but for what?


In 2014, next year, the capital of  Latvia, Riga will become European Capital of Culture.  However,  for the time being Lithuania now holds, for the next six months, the  rotating presidency of the European Union Council...

1.  How not to fight anti-Semitism   By Robert Wistrich        
By ROBERT S. WISTRICH   21.05.2013

"In eastern Europe, the uniqueness of the Holocaust has been blurred through a misleading equation of Nazism with Communist tyranny."

2.  Why is  the European Jewish Press so timid when discussing  Ambrazevicius-Brazaitis, Nazi puppet prime minister in 1941 Lithuania who signed documents on destruction of the Kaunas Jewish community, Lithuania, antisemitism  not to mention Holocaust triviliasation and revisionism with state funds etc etc????
3.  And in July 2013  Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky


4.  Unfortunately, to date,  all the points on the petitions below have still not been addressed:

Petitioning HE President Dalia Grybauskaitė
President of Lithuania
Abandon defamation of Holocaust survivors and glorification of Holocaust perpetrators
To help people find out more about the situation in Lithuania see
5.  And in Latvia Visu Latvijai! (All For Latvia!), a junior partner in the Baltic state's three-party coalition government continues to honour its SS .  Last year,  President Berzins stated to world press that it is nonsense to call the SS criminals rather we should 'bow' our heads to them!
Nazi hunter blasts 'anti-Semitic' Latvian WWII memorial
Published July 03, 2013
  • Flowers and a photo of a soldier wearing a uniform with Gestapo insignia and the Iron Cross are laid at the Monument of Freedom in Riga, Latvia where veterans of a force that was commanded by the German Nazi Waffen SS commemorated a key 1944 battle on March 16, 2013. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre Wednesday condemned plans by Latvian nationalists to mark a WWII event that led to a massacre of Jews. (AFP/File)
Read more:

  22 July 2013  President Berzins informed President Peres that he is not available to attend a memorial ceremony to mark the massacre in the killing fields of Rumbula

And 28 July 2013 Berzins back tracks on invitation decline

Monday 8 July 2013,  'Jewish Hour' on Salford City Radio  94.4FM


Interview with Monica Lowenberg speaking about her trip to Latvia and the annual SS marches that take place in the capital of Riga.


6.  The lie of Nazis as liberators by Efraim Zuroff

Times of Israel July 5, 2013

7.  Where Nazi collaborators and criminals  are honoured by EU and NATO States

Dovid Katz in Vilnius looks at the development of the ‘Double Genocide’ revision of history that hurls the crimes of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia into the same pot.     page 40 , published by Hope Not Hate,  July 11, 2013

Read also Dovid Katz's article in the Jewish Chronicle  'Prague's Declaration of Disgrace'



Interview with Dr Efraim Zuroff - The last Nazi hunter

and  read articles on his site Operation Last Chance

The Nazi whitewash

I can't believe Eric Pickles supports Latvia's 'For Fatherland and Freedom' party, which wants to rewrite a murderous history

Screen Viewings of documentary 'Rewriting History'

WHEN:  15 July 2013 the documentary Rewriting History was shown across 13 UK based synagogues. 

United Synagogues have as a body signed the Seventy Years Declaration

by Graeme Blundell The Australian September 14, 2012



Friends in the United States:

Few outsiders will understand on the face of it that this little "first" gesture is actually (in the European context that few American pundits are even aware of!) part of a campaign to UNDERMINE FURTHER THE HISTORY OF THE HOLOCAUST, and give the obfuscationists and trivializers a powerful new US-based legitimization:

This is one of the demands of the infamous 2008 PRAGUE DECLARATION

Perhaps the relevant American officials are not aware of the response, the 70 YEARS DECLARATION:

What can you do?

1.  Ask your elected representative to speak up, and/or publish letters/articles on this to increase awareness.


2.  Stop the 16 March marches in Riga, Latvia!

Add your voice to this petition here:


3.  ◊ Sign the Seventy Years Declaration

 Further Reading


Latvia: A personal march through history  published in the AJR Journal (Association of Jewish Refugees, UK), Volume 12, April 2012 page 4 by Monica Lowenberg also published by Second Generation Network, Voices May 2012

Latvia’s difficult legacy What is March 16th?  by Monica Lowenberg published by the Holocaust Educational Trust and Second Generation Network, Voices May 2012

Monica Lowenberg in Dialogue with Latvian Ambassador to Uk March 2012 published by  

An open Letter from Monica Lowenberg to Denis MacShane published in the New Statesman, March 2012  

Latvia’s Nazi Nostalgia by Monica Lowenberg  published by Second Generation Forum 'Latvia's Nazi Nostalgia' October 2012

     Cameron’s Latvian Liaison, one woman’s petition and one SS march latvian-liaison-one-womans-petition-and-one-ss- march-by-monica-lowenberg/51105   by Monica Lowenberg published by DefendingHistory.Com 15.03.2013

Images from the March 16th 2013 Annual Glorification of Latvian Waffen SS in Riga published by Defending 3 April 2013 by Monica Lowenberg  

On the Eve of Yom Hashoah Great Britain sinks into littleness on the Holocaust  by Monica Lowenberg published in the Algemeiner 4.4.2013

The Photoshoots Hague would rather forget   by Monica Lowenberg published by Hope Not Hate . A Hope not Hate Special 5.4.2013 and reposted by the Foreign Office  

You can't praise Hitler's troops and champion human rights, Mr Hague and Mr Lidington. Opinion piece by Monica Lowenberg published by Jewish News 02.05.2013  


End of the World. And The Day After...

by Monica Lowenberg published by , 24 December 2012


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